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Derek Okoye

Derek Okoye


please i have problems in my   SQL question,how do i strat with the creat table instrction,this is the qnestion:

Database Applications Development


Attached is a database scenario with an associated entity model.




You are required to complete the following tasks:


1. Draw up a list of tables for this database. These tables are to be in third normal form (or BCNF).

For each table, you should indicate its Primary Key, any foreign keys and all nonkey attributes.

2. Specify the SQL commands to implement the set of tables and to create these tables in ORACLE.

3.Create the necessary tables in ORACLE and populate them with data. You should create around 5 subscribers, around 20 books across 3 or 4 categories and approximately 20 loans, some where the book has been returned and some where the book has not yet been returned.

4. Using the ORACLE Application Developer Tools, create  a master/detail which shows for each category, the books in that category.

5. Write SQL commands for the following:

(i) The total number loans by each user of the library (including returned and non-returned books);

(ii) The total number of books in each category;

(iii) A list of all books currently on loan, with details of the book, loan and user, ordered by issue date;

(iv) The total number of copies of each book, ordered by category and then by author.



 By Wednesday, December 17th, you should hand in to the Student Information Centre


I.                   A list of your SQL commands used to create the database. All primary and foreign key constraints must be clearly indicated.

II.                Print outs of the data used to populate your database.

III.             Print outs of screens you have created for your application interface, along with a listing of all code and procedures (eg P/SQL) used to create the interface.

IV.             Print outs of the SQL commands you have used for task 5, along with the resulting output from these commands.


You are also required to demonstrate your database to the module tutor (or their substitute). This must be done in a timetabled laboratory in the week commencing 18th July. Failure to demonstrate will result in a grade penalty.


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