
How do make changes in my code ? linq to sql . Need help

Nepethya Rana

Nepethya Rana

My code:
public static int CountEmployeesByName(string[] namesToSearch)
using (ApplicationEntities context = new ApplicationEntities())
var queries = new List<IEnumerable<employee>>();
string nameParam;
foreach (string name in namesToSearch)
nameParam = name;
//search for employees by name
queries.Add((from e in context.employees
where e.name == nameParam
select e));
return queries.Sum(q => q.Count());
public static void UnitTests()
{ //Populate with test data
using (ApplicationEntities context = new ApplicationEntities())
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(@" TRUNCATE TABLE employees
INSERT INTO employees (name) VALUES ('Niño');
INSERT INTO employees (name) VALUES (N'?????');
INSERT INTO employees (name) VALUES ('VeryLongName');
INSERT INTO employees (name) VALUES ('Name1');
INSERT INTO employees (name) VALUES ('Name2');
INSERT INTO employees (name) VALUES ('Nick');");
//The function is always failing to find any but the last name in the namesToSearch array.
Debug.Assert(CountEmployeesByName(new string[] { "Name1", "Name2", "NoName3" }) == 2);
//It fails . it finds 0 why? Shouldnt it return 2? What do i make change in my code?
//Every matching employee record is being retrieved from the database server (very inefficient).
//The SQL engine should do the counting.
Debug.Assert(CountEmployeesByName(new string[] { "Nick", "Name1" }) == 3);
//Fails.. it counts only 2, Why?
/* //Question 
//What changes sdo i make in The function so that it should not be running a query for each //search name. It should run exactly 1 SQL statement each time the function is called.
Debug.Assert(CountEmployeesByName(new string[] { "Nick", "Name1" }) == 3); 
//One employee can be counted twice. It should return number of unique employees.
Debug.Assert(CountEmployeesByName(new string[] { "Name1", "name1" }) == 1);
//it finds 2, what changes do i make ?
static void Main(string[] args)
Answers (3)