
How to Anchor\Dock Labels and resize photos without using properties?

roy doron

roy doron


I've created a Form and set the WindowState value to Maximized.
The Form filled with photo and labels.
At RunTime the window Form is in full size BUT I'm having problems:
1. resizing the photo as the size of the form. (i don't care if the photo will stretch)
2. anchoring\docking the labels at their place they used to be at compileTime.

I've tried using the properties: anchor, autoSize, dock, imageAlign, Location, textAlign
Nothing workes..

i have two forms :
at the first, I have one lable as a title. a picture box at the center of the Form below the lable. and a linkLable below the picture.
at the second, i have picture box all over the form, and 2 checkboxes, each at equal distance from each corner of the form

Any suggestions, Please?

Thanks in advanced!
Answers (2)