
how to bind multiple lines of text in repeater with read mor

priyadharshan sekar

priyadharshan sekar

Apr 18 2014 11:49 AM

I need to bind multiple lines of text from backend in repeater..

i have used this..Text='<%#Limit(Eval("feedback_details"),40)%>'

aspx.cs file..

protected string Limit(object Desc, int length)
StringBuilder strDesc = new StringBuilder();
strDesc.Insert(0, Desc.ToString());
if (strDesc.Length > length)
return strDesc.ToString().Substring(0, length) + "...";
else return strDesc.ToString();

it displays the text in same line like this

this is a sample.......

i want to implement like this

this is a sample paragraph. this is a sample paragraph. this is a..........read more

it should display text in two or three lines...remaining text text should be hidden. when we click readmore..it should display remaining text

kindly help me