
How to create a designtime dialog for image / navigate url when building a web control?

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After 15 years of not programming I started again by building my own website and I really love to learn it all over again. Its a very addictive hobby. But now it's time to put some content in my website according to the KISS principle (Keep It Stupid and Simple). And then I can work on a more sophisticated web site.

I am creating my own webcontrols and I think that somewhere I'm missing the point. I 've searched but i could not find a way to bring up the designtime dialog for imageurl / navigateurl and so on, can somebody help me?

The second question is the following;

How can I locate files in a control library when using a string like; ~/text/sometext.txt. In a control library you cannot use the Server.MapPath. Looking at some professional control libraries the sign ~ is always used to indicate wwwroot. How can I locate a subdirectory in a more elegant way on my webhosting server?


I hope these where not to stupid questions, but hey I'm still learning and I'm afraid to invent the wheel for the second time, I would be very grateful if somebody could help me....

