HI ive got the following question, now we have a menu bar above the page containing a vew items. Underneeth extra i need a submenu item. How can i realize that ? here are some part the codes.
- public class PortalMenuItemList: List<PortalMenuItem>
- {
- private PortalMenuItem _Owner = null;
- public PortalMenuItemList(PortalMenuItem menuItem)
- {
- _Owner = menuItem;
- }
- public new void Add(PortalMenuItem menuItem)
- {
- if(menuItem.Parent!=null)
- menuItem.Parent.Children.Remove(menuItem);
- base.Add(menuItem);
- menuItem.Parent = this._Owner;
- }
- }
- }
- public class PortalMenuItem
- {
- public string Target;
- private PortalMenuItemList _Children;
- public PortalMenuItem()
- {
- Visible = true;
- _Children = new PortalMenuItemList(this);
- }
- public string Title { get; set; }
- public PortalMenuItem Parent { get; set; }
- public string Command { get; set; }
- public string Class { get; set; }
- public bool Visible { get; set; }
- public Dictionary<string, string> CommandArguments { get; set; }
- public PortalMenuItemList Children { get { return _Children; } }
- }
- public override void InitMenu()
- {
- if (UserLoggedIn)
- {
- var features = new Features(User);
- switch (User.loginType)
- {
- case UserLoginType.User:
- AddMenuItem(new PortalMenuItem
- {
- Command = ApplicationCommands.UserPhoneManagement,
- Title = "Mijn Toestel",
- Class = "phone",
- Visible = (features.CallingDeliveryBlock || features.DoNotDisturb || features.CallForwardingAlways),
- CommandArguments = new Dictionary<string, string>
- {
- {"userId", User.username}
- }
- });
- AddMenuItem(new PortalMenuItem
- {
- Command = ApplicationCommands.ReceptionistView,
- Title = "Receptionist",
- Class = "contacts",
- Visible = features.Receptionist && (AuthorizeUser(User.username, null, ServicePacks.DeanReceptionistEnterprise) || AuthorizeUser(User.username, null, ServicePacks.DeanReceptionistSmallBusiness)),
- Target = "_blank"
- });
- AddMenuItem(new PortalMenuItem
- {
- Command = ApplicationCommands.HelpPage,
- Title = "Help",
- Class = "help",
- Visible = true
- });
- break;
- case UserLoginType.Group:
- case UserLoginType.Partner:
- case UserLoginType.DeanOne:
- AddMenuItem(new PortalMenuItem
- {
- Command = ApplicationCommands.UsersView,
- Title = "Gebruikers",
- Class = "phone",
- Visible = features.ReadUsers
- });
- AddMenuItem(new PortalMenuItem
- {
- Command = ApplicationCommands.AutoAttendantsView,
- Title = "Keuzemenu",
- Class = "help",
- Visible = features.AutoAttendentBasic
- });
- AddMenuItem(new PortalMenuItem
- {
- Command = ApplicationCommands.ExtraSettings,
- Title = "Extra",
- Class = "balloon",
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="TopMenu.ascx.cs" Inherits="OneXS.Orion.FrontOffice.Compleet.Portal.Controls.Topmenu" %>
- <%@ Import Namespace="OneXS.Orion.FrontOffice.Compleet.PortalBase" %>
- <%
- if (Repeater1.Items.Count != 0)
- {%>
- <div id="main_menu_wrap">
- <div class="main_menu">
- <ul>
- <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" EnableViewState="false">
- <ItemTemplate>
- <asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolder1" runat="server" Visible="<%# (Container.DataItem as PortalMenuItem).Visible %>">
- <li class="<%# ComputeCssClass(Container.DataItem as PortalMenuItem) %>">
- <a href="<%#ComputeMenuitemDocumentUrl(Container.DataItem as PortalMenuItem)%>"
- title="<%#(Container.DataItem as PortalMenuItem).Title %>" target="<%#(Container.DataItem as PortalMenuItem).Target %>">
- <span class="icon icon-24 <%#(Container.DataItem as PortalMenuItem).Class %>"></span>
- <span class="label"><%# ComputeMenuItemTitle(Container.DataItem as PortalMenuItem)%></span></a></li>
- </asp:PlaceHolder>
- </ItemTemplate>
- </asp:Repeater>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- <% } %>