How to Create at Runtime Winforms
Hello to all:
We always have developing with delphi 5 and now we are trying to start to develop with Visual C# .Net
Does any one know how can I from the principal winform create other winforms at runtime? and how to prevent when the user click over the button create another instance of the second winform in other words if the second winform is already created only restore the second form and bring to front, but if the second form is not created yet, create the second form, this will posible.
This is because in delphi 5 we resolving this problem with the next code:
frm : TSecondForm;
frm := TSecondForm(Application.MainForm.FindComponent('SecondForm'));
if frm = nil then begin
frm := TSecondForm.Create(Application.MainForm);
end else
frm.WindowState := wsNormal;
Is this posible? , please can you provide a complete example or where can I learn more about this issues.
Best Regards.