
How to Create & Update Dynamically Table or Gridview with Dropdown List?

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Dear Friends,
Here I've situation like that, I've to generate a table/gridview monthwise. If user select January, 2011 then my table/gridview will display at 1st row 1,2,...,31. The second row will display the DropDownList with items "Y","N","H". Now I can do up to this. But if user change the value of the dropdown to any of above listed three(Y/N/H) then I have to update it to the table/database with a particular column (ex. On the 7th day I would be changed "N" instead of "Y"). So How it would be done/possible?

It is not necessary to update it on each n every dynamically bind dropdowns, it ok with a single Update button.

"The records are columwise"
it's like... 
1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8.....31
Y        Y        Y       Y        Y        Y        N        Y......Y

Thanks in advanced.

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