
How to display selected data in dropdownlist in view???

I am using HTML 5 control i.e dropdownlist are as follws:.......
<div id="ddlsplcategory">
<select id="spclcategorylst" multiple="multiple" name="spclcategorylst" onchange="HideLbl()">
<option value="AG" id="1">Agriculturist</option>
<option value="DP" id="2">Defence Person</option>
<option value="FF" id="3">Freedom Fighter</option>
<option value="PH" id="4">Physically Handicapped</option>
<option value="PAP" id="5">Project Affected Person</option>
the purpose of using this control for mulitple selection of dropdownlist value and save the selected item list i.e if i am selected Agriculturist,Defence Person,Freedom Fighter and save databse column value i.e AG,DP,FF also......save is successfully.
But how  to display the drodownlist selected value in mvc view
Please Help me
Thanks in advance....
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