
How to display some info neatly




I am trying to display three things in a row on a page.
First, a string of text saying "Name", second a Textbox, third a button that says "Submit".
What is the best way to display this row of objects by having the width of the screen that shows the string only be the width of the string; the button aligned to the right, taking up only as much width as the button needs to show the text on it; and the TextBox in between those 2 things filling up the width between them? So, if the screen is resized the "Name" string and search button stay the same widths on either edge of the screen, but the textbox will shrink or expand but still fill up the entire width between the other two objects.
I tried using percentages for the object widths, but I'm not getting the results I want. Any ideas?
Answers (4)