How to get ATOM Feed image in windows 8 Rss reader ?
I want to create an Atom feed reader in Windows 8 App.
I want to fetch Feed from and show it in an RSS reader app.
I am using Microsoft RSS reader app sample buil tusing HTML and Javascript.
I am using following code to fetch data.
function getFeeds() {
blogs = [
key: "blog1",
url: '',
title: 'tbd', updatedX: 'tbd',
acquireSyndication: acquireSyndication, dataPromise: null
key: "blog2",
url: '',
title: 'tbd', updated: 'tbd',
acquireSyndication: acquireSyndication, dataPromise: null
blogs.forEach(function (feed) {
feed.dataPromise = feed.acquireSyndication(feed.url);
// Return when all asynchronous operations are complete
return WinJS.Promise.join(dataPromises).then(function () {
return blogs;
function getItemsFromXml(articleSyndication, bPosts, feed) {
// Get the info for each blog post
var posts = articleSyndication.querySelectorAll("entry");
// Process each blog post
for (var postIndex = 0; postIndex < posts.length; postIndex++) {
var post = posts[postIndex];
// Get the title, author, and date published
var postTitle = post.querySelector("title").textContent;
var postAuthor = post.querySelector("author > name").textContent;
var postPublished = post.querySelector("published").textContent;
// Convert the date for display
var postDate = new Date(postPublished);
var monthFmt = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter(
var dayFmt = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter(
var yearFmt = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter(
var blogPostMonth = monthFmt.format(postDate);
var blogPostDay = dayFmt.format(postDate);
var blogPostYear = yearFmt.format(postDate);
// Process the content so it displays nicely
var staticContent = toStaticHTML(post.querySelector("content").textContent);
// Store the post info we care about in the array
group: feed,
key: feed.title,
title: postTitle,
author: postAuthor,
month: blogPostMonth.toUpperCase(),
day: blogPostDay,
year: blogPostYear,
content: staticContent
var list = getBlogPosts();
var groupedItems = list.createGrouped(
function groupKeySelector(item) { return; },
function groupDataSelector(item) { return; }
WinJS.Namespace.define("Data", {
items: groupedItems,
groups: groupedItems.groups,
getItemReference: getItemReference,
getItemsFromGroup: getItemsFromGroup,
resolveGroupReference: resolveGroupReference,
resolveItemReference: resolveItemReference
// Get a reference for an item, using the group key and item title as a
// unique reference to the item that can be easily serialized.
function getItemReference(item) {
return [, item.title];
// This function returns a WinJS.Binding.List containing only the items
// that belong to the provided group.
function getItemsFromGroup(group) {
return list.createFiltered(function (item) { return === group.key; });
// Get the unique group corresponding to the provided group key.
function resolveGroupReference(key) {
for (var i = 0; i < groupedItems.groups.length; i++) {
if (groupedItems.groups.getAt(i).key === key) {
return groupedItems.groups.getAt(i);
// Get a unique item from the provided string array, which should contain a
// group key and an item title.
function resolveItemReference(reference) {
for (var i = 0; i < groupedItems.length; i++) {
var item = groupedItems.getAt(i);
if ( === reference[0] && item.title === reference[1]) {
return item;
Please tell me how can i get image.. i am using following template to populate items in a grid view.
<div class="itemtemplate" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">
<div class="item">
<h4 class="item-title" data-win-bind="textContent: title"></h4>
<div class="item-overlay">
<img data-win-bind="src: thumbnail" />
<h6 class="item-subtitle win-type-ellipsis" data-win-bind="textContent: updated"></h6>
Waiting for quick and positive response.
Thanking you.