
how to get delete and edit id differently in same Action

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i have grid in View like this
<td>@Html.ActionLink("EDIT", "InsertRequest", new { strRequestId = Model.GetAllRequests.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RequestId"].ToString() })</td>
<td>@Html.ActionLink("DELETE", "InsertRequest", new { strRequestId = Model.GetAllRequests.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RequestId"].ToString() })</td>
now in controller i have actionresult like this
public ActionResult InsertRequest(RequestModel RM, string strRequestId)
if(strRequestId != "" || strRequestId != null)
RM.HubList.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = "BLR", Text = "BLR" });
DataAccessLayer.DBData objDB = new DataAccessLayer.DBData();
string strSelected = Request.Form["strSelectedHub"].ToString();
string strRes = objDB.InsertData(RM);
ViewData["InSertResult"] = strRes;
return View(RM);
 now i need to get differnetiate between edit and delete and display the same  view .. how i can do it?

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