How to get remote HD size for c:\
Looking for a way to remotely grab the HD size of a machine on the network. Here is what I'm trying but it isn't working.
My method works for pulling everything else I need but getting hd size i am not having any luck.
string hdSize = GetNetScan("Win32_DiskDrive", "DeviceID=\"c:\"", un, pass, oc1, oc2, oc3, oc4);
public static string GetNetScan(string strTable, string strProps, string un, string pass, byte oc1, byte oc2, byte oc3, byte oc4)
ConnectionOptions options = new ConnectionOptions();
options.Username = un;
options.Password = pass;
options.EnablePrivileges = true;
options.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate;
ManagementScope scope;
scope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + oc1 + "." + oc2 + "." + oc3 + "." + oc4 + "\\root\\cimv2", options);
String queryString = "SELECT " + strProps + " FROM " + strTable + "";
ObjectQuery query;
query = new ObjectQuery(queryString);
ManagementObjectSearcher objOS = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
string strInfo = string.Empty;
foreach (ManagementObject MO in objOS.Get())
foreach (PropertyData pd in MO.Properties)
strInfo += pd.Value + ",";
return strInfo.Substring(0, strInfo.Length - 1);
catch (Exception exc)
return "na";