
How to hide a dialog box when downloading?

Rogerio Sa

Rogerio Sa

I need to use this small C# app I am using to download an excel file from an internal company asp.net site. Usually I would use VBScript to person such actions but this site for some reason does not respect VBS very well. So I decided to make a small C# app in which I use "webbrowser1.navigate" to go to the report page and generate the report then from there I get the download link to the excel report itself so I use "webbrowser1.navigate" to navigate to the excel download URL but it prompts me to open or save and I want to just save automatically since this app will run on a schedule and will not have user interaction. No, I cannot use webclient o to download the file because the URL only works in the same session as the session used to generate the report. Even if I was to take the link and tried to open manually on another browser window it would not work. 
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