How to make code for file upload with folder?
Hi Friends,
i m creating one application for audit comments in my application
the contents are
1)auditno = text
2)refno = text
3)auditee dept =dropdown with multi select
4)persons interviewed = textbox
5)comments = textbox
6)documents = fileupload(stored on folder)
cancel = button3
submit =button 4
refresh =button5
table in mssql2000:
create table au_commts
au_id int identity,
auditor varchar(50)
auditno varchar(50)
refno int
auditee_dept varchar(50)
persons_interviewed varchar(50)
comments varchar(50)
after add button pressing ll show on gridview along with attachment
now my requirement is how to make code file upload depends on au_id?
depends on that how to edit and delete also in gridview?