how to print image using print dialog controls in fixed position on form?
Hi Friend,
I create customer application Project in window application.
In that project i create one form as customer details.
After enter customer details i want to print that details using print dialog controls.
I got all details to print in fixed position on my form,expect customer photo.
How i can print customer photo in my fixed position on form.
Please any one give the Immediately solution.
This is my coding.
float ScreenResolution = 96.0f;
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
ScreenResolution = e.Graphics.DpiX;
void DrawForm(Graphics g, int resX, int resY)
g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(this.BackColor), 0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);
float scale = resX / ScreenResolution;
foreach (Control c in Controls)
string strType = c.GetType().ToString().Substring(c.GetType().ToString().LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
switch (strType)
case "Label":
// ControlPaint.FillReversibleRectangle( ((TextBox)c).Bounds, c.BackColor);
Label l = (Label)c;
ControlPaint.DrawButton(g, l.Left, l.Top, l.Width, l.Height, ButtonState.Pushed);
g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(l.BackColor), l.Left + 1, l.Top + 1, l.Width + 2, l.Height - 2);
g.DrawString(l.Text, l.Font, new SolidBrush(l.ForeColor), l.Left + 2, l.Top + l.Height / 2 - g.MeasureString("a", l.Font).Height / 2, new StringFormat());
case "TextBox":
TextBox t = (TextBox)c;
ControlPaint.DrawButton(g, t.Left, t.Top, t.Width, t.Height, ButtonState.Pushed);
g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(t.BackColor), t.Left + 1, t.Top + 1, t.Width + 2, t.Height - 2);
g.DrawString(t.Text, t.Font, new SolidBrush(t.ForeColor), t.Left + 2, t.Top + t.Height / 2 - g.MeasureString("a", t.Font).Height / 2, new StringFormat());
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
PrinterResolution pr = e.PageSettings.PrinterResolution;
DrawForm(e.Graphics, pr.X, pr.Y);