
how to redirct a user AFTER login to pages whcih are assinge

Sajid Hussain

Sajid Hussain

Aug 31 2014 6:06 PM
i have web application my query are.
1.i have 3 table in sql database name role,PageAccess,and UserLogin.
2.in PageAccess table i have columne name after web pages.and their data type is bit(Boolean),
3.user login access is granted by using Userlogin table,where its name,password, and role id columns are used.
My Question is that how a user is redirected to a page by checking his status from PageAccess table(where by using 1 or zero true/false)we are allowing him or denying his access to that page, after his successful login.
admin has full access to all pages.
how from start i can manage it.