
how to refresh parent page on submit click of child window

Deepika Chaudhary

Deepika Chaudhary

Jul 17 2013 3:45 AM

I have an mvc application.
Parent page index.cshtml
Child page create.cshtml

On parent page i have a grid with one column as input button where i use show modal dialog.

I have a requirement when closing the browser button of this show modal dialog parent page should not refresh.

Only parent page should refresh when i click submit button of child window.

Please give me some idea how can i do this.

Index.cshtml inside grid i have this button.
 <input type="button" style="width:70px" value='@item.Issue_ID.ToString()' onclick="window.showModalDialog('/IssueTracker/[email protected]&[email protected]_ID&returnFromEdit=AllIssues' , 'wndPopUp', 'dialogWidth:1100px;dialogHeight:500px;dialogLeft:100px;dialogRight:100px;dialogTop:100px;dialogBottom:100px;center:yes;title:no;scroll:yes;status:no;toolbar=no');window.location.reload();" />

Using window.location.reload it is refreshing parent page also when i click on child window browser button.

Please help!!

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