
on clicking print button in report pages not getting viewed

deepa ashwi

deepa ashwi

Jul 17 2013 3:21 AM

on clicking print button in report eg:3pages need to be printed and on clicking print 3 pages are printed (print side no problem)  but in viewing report page all 3 pages are viewed in a single page but i want to display in 3 seperate pages and next button also not working in report..how to code please any help me.

<input style="Z-INDEX111LEFT737pxWIDTH53pxPOSITIONabsoluteTOP18px;HEIGHT19px"
onclick="javascript:window.print();" type="button" value="Print" id="Button9"/>

<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer1" runat="server" Height="751px" 
            Width="1080px" DisplayGroupTree="False" DisplayToolbar="False" 
            EnableDrillDown="False" ShowAllPageIds="True" SeparatePages="False" />

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