how to remove the existing links between two access db using the adox
I have created link tables between two access db using the adox like ...
ADODB.Connection cnDB1= new ADODB.Connection();
ADODB.Connection cnDB2= new ADODB.Connection();
ADOX.Catalog catDB1= new ADOX.Catalog();
ADOX.Catalog catDB2= new ADOX.Catalog();
ADOX.Table tblDB1;
string connStr = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["strDBCon"].ToString();
catDB1.ActiveConnection = cnDB1;
string connStr1 = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["strDBConApp"].ToString();
catDB2.ActiveConnection = cnDB2;
foreach(ADOX.Table tblDB2 in catDB2.Tables ) // Loop through myDB2 catalog tables
if ( tblDB2.Type == "TABLE" ) // Link only user created tables not view and system table
tblDB1 = new ADOX.Table(); // Re-initialize object
tblDB1.Name = tblDB2.Name;
tblDB1.ParentCatalog = catDB1;
tblDB1.Properties["Jet OLEDB:Create Link"].Value = true;
tblDB1.Properties["Jet OLEDB:Link Datasource"].Value = "F:/db2.mdb";
tblDB1.Properties["Jet OLEDB:Remote Table Name"].Value = tblDB2.Name;
catDB1.Tables.Append(tblDB1); // Append tables to myDB1.mdb catalog
// Tidy up
cnDB1.Close(); cnDB1 = null;
cnDB2.Close(); cnDB2 = null;
tblDB1 = null; //tblDB2 = null;
catDB1 = null; catDB2 = null;
Now i have to remove the existing link... Any one please help me to solve this problem