How to retrieve a proper cased filename.
The case of the path and filename returned by the System.Directory class uses the case you provide in the Path parameter rather than the true Path & Filename as it is written on the disk - enter the path in small case and it comes back as small case. I found a class in C# that almost worked but for those of use using VB.Net nothing really exists so ... here is a function to do the business. It doesn't handle UNC paths so someone might want to play with it.
Private Function GetCasedFileName(ByVal FullPath As String) As String
Dim CasedName As String = ""
Dim isFile As Boolean = File.Exists(FullPath)
Dim isDir As Boolean = Directory.Exists(FullPath)
Dim TestDir As String = ""
Dim TestFile As String = ""
If Not isFile And Not isDir Then
Return ""
Exit Function
End If
If isFile Then
TestDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(FullPath)
TestFile = Path.GetFileName(FullPath)
TestDir = FullPath
End If
' Find the Root Drive
If TestDir.StartsWith("\\") Then
' Unc Path - how do you resolve the real machine name?
CasedName = TestDir.Substring(0, 3).ToUpper
End If
Do While CasedName.ToUpper <> TestDir.ToUpper
Dim DirList() As String = Directory.GetDirectories(CasedName)
For Each DirName As String In DirList
If (TestDir.ToUpper & "\").StartsWith(DirName.ToUpper & "\") Then
CasedName = DirName
Exit For
End If
If isFile Then
Dim FileList() As String = Directory.GetFiles(CasedName)
For Each FileName As String In FileList
If FileName.ToUpper = (FullPath.ToUpper) Then
CasedName = FileName
End If
End If
Return CasedName
End Function