How to set object values to a property array type property
Hi Kesav,
Here i have a serializable class. it contains child classes please check the below sample
public partial class InvoiceInvoiceProperties {
private InvoiceInvoicePropertiesSpecialInstructions specialInstructionsField;
private InvoiceInvoicePropertiesReferenceInformation[] referenceInformationField;
public partial class InvoiceInvoicePropertiesReferenceInformation {
private uint referenceNumberField;
private object descriptionField;
private string referenceInformationIndicatorField;}
public partial class InvoiceInvoicePropertiesSpecialInstructions {
private string instructionIndicatorField;
private string valueField;
Here i assgned values to the properties by creating an object to that class.
and i added the child object to base class property
objInvoiceInvoiceProperties.SpecialInstructions = objInvoiceInvoicePropertiesSpecialInstructions;//normal property
ok it is working
when am assigning array type property it is showing error.
objInvoiceInvoiceProperties.ReferenceInformation = objInvoiceInvoicePropertiesReferenceInformation;//array type
here am getting error like cannot convert object to to array.i have tried many ways unable find the solutoion.
Please give me some idea on it.