Please How I can design SQL tables,Please give me Idea for that How to start.I am new on technology.please i need urgent helpI need to design these tables First Table Customer
Unique Id Mandatory Name Mandatory First Name Mandatory Middle Name Optional Last Name Optional EmailId Mandatory Mobile# Mandatory Telephone# Mandatory Fax# Optional Credit Limit Optional Credit Days Mandatory Uadjusted Amount Mandatory IsActive Mandatory Bill Address Optional Ship Address Optional Total Balance Mandatory Contact Person Name Mandatory Opening Balance Mandatory Created DateTime Mandatory Modify DateTime Mandatory INACTIVE_DATE Optional
Second table InvoiceUnique Id Mandatory Invoice# Mandatory Invoice Amount in Home Currency Mandatory Invoice Amount in Foreign Currency Mandatory Invoice Date Mandatory Due Date Mandatory Exchange Rate Mandatory CurrencyName Mandatory Balance Amount in Home Currency Mandatory Balance Amount in Foriegn Currency Mandatory Customer Id Mandatory CustomerName Mandatory Purchase Order# Optional Purchase Order Date Optional SalesPerson Name Optional Transaction Type Mandatory IsPaid Optional Created DateTime Mandatory Modify DateTime Mandatory
Third Table Vendor
Unique Id Mandatory Name Mandatory First Name Mandatory Middle Name Optional Last Name Optional EmailId Mandatory Mobile# Mandatory Telephone# Mandatory Fax# Optional Credit Limit Optional Credit Days Mandatory Uadjusted Amount Mandatory IsActive Mandatory Bill Address Optional Ship Address Optional Total Balance Mandatory Contact Person Name Mandatory Opening Balance Mandatory Created DateTime Mandatory Modify DateTime Mandatory INACTIVE_DATE Optional
fourth table Bill
Unique Id Mandatory Bill# Mandatory Bill Amount in Home Currency Mandatory Bill Amount in Foreign Currency Mandatory Bill Date Mandatory Due Date Mandatory Exchange Rate Mandatory CurrencyName Mandatory Balance Amount in Home Currency Mandatory Balance Amount in Foriegn Currency Mandatory Vendor Id Mandatory Vendor Name Mandatory Purchase Order# Optional Purchase Order Date Optional SalesPerson Name Optional Transaction Type Mandatory IsPaid Optional Created DateTime Mandatory Modify DateTime Mandatory
Fifth table Receipt
Unique ID Mandatory Receipt # or Adjustment Reference Mandatory Receipt Date Mandatory Invoice # Mandatory Invoice Date Mandatory Receipt Amount In Home Currency Mandatory Exchange Rate Mandatory Receipt Amount in Foreign Currency Mandatory Customer Id Mandatory Customer Name Mandatory Receipt Type Mandatory Created DateTime Mandatory Modify DateTime Mandatory
we need these tables but as above i am seeing that there are customerId and CustomerName is references for Invoice table and receipt table same as for invoceNo, InvoiceDate, i am fix will I need to create more than 5 tables for that?can anyone give me a suitable Idea for that i told I am new on this technology.I did not start anything yet, I need just an idea if i create a table for CustomerId, Customername and make primary key for taking references other table,,,same as for InvoiceNo and InvoiceDate and so........please i need your urgent help for that.