I've a form frmMain.cs, in which I've added a UserControl ucTest.cs. In the usercontrol, I've added a button click event, in which I'm populating a DataSet ds.
Now I need this dataset to be used on the frmMain.cs for manipulation. How do I pass the dataset ds which was updated in the click event of UserControl back to the frmMain.cs ?
I tried declare a delegate (i'm totally new to delegates) in the UserControl for this, as below --
public delegate Boolean EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs args, DataSet ds);
public event EventHandler evntExecute = delegate {};
In the frmMain.cs, I've added a EventHandler function as below --
public Boolean evntExecute_Handler(object sender, EventArgs e, DataSet ds)
code using the Dataset ds values
Now how do I exactly subscribe this event in the frmMain.cs ?