How to use a class for xml related logic taking xml file "uri" as initializer.
Hi ,
i have a project in which i created two classes TreeDisplay(Form.cs) and MytreeNode class in same namespace.
class contains all the GUI related stuff like Browse button
textbox,label,progress bar and TReeView. I want the user to select a
XML file through browse button which will be displayed in textbox.The
Xml file selected will be displayed in Treeview on winform.
Now i
want to separate the GUI part from business logic(where i am creating
treenode and adding nodes to tree) thats why i created the MytreeNode
class. I am passing the treeview and the string filename from the
FileOpenDialogue in Browse button.
i want to pass a Xml file name from one class to another class in same namespace using URI.i want to initialize with file path. i have passed the treeview object from GUI to my backhand class MytreeNode class.
But how to initialize with fie path? here is a part of code.
public class MytreeNodeClass
internal void initiatingTree(string nameofFile,TreeView treeView1)
XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement != null)
if (true) treeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(xmlDocument.DocumentElement.Name));
Help me in putting up the right part of code at right place.