
How to use SqldataAdapter with DataGridView

Corey Fleig

Corey Fleig

I came across a project from years ago that uses Datatable and DataSet, predefines the DataTable with DataColumns, and populates it using a SqlDataAdapter and SqlCommandBuilder.<div>&nbsp;</div><div>Thing is, when I load the dataset, the DGV shows empty columns from the DataColumns definitions, and then shows the same columns all over again as they came from the SqlDataAdapter.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>In other words, all the columns are <u>duplicated</u>.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>I can't seem to remember what I did years ago to show just the one set of columns, not both.</div><div>Any thoughts?</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Thanks for any response!</div><div> </div>
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