I need help with my C# Homework ? What did I do wrong.
This program is suppose to takes input from the user, calculates
payroll information. I dont know what i did wrong, did i miss something
using System;
using SC = System.Console;
public class JKingLab04
{ // Main Method
public static void Main()
Double hoursWorked, payRate;
Double grossPay, stateTax, federalTax = 0, dblFICA = 0,
netPay = 0;
SC.WriteLine("Lab 4 – Jenni King");
SC.Write("\nPlease input hours worked: ");
hoursWorkedStr = SC.ReadLine();
SC.Write("\nPlease input rate of pay: ");
payRateStr = SC.ReadLine();
hoursWorked = Convert.ToDouble(hoursWorkedStr);
payRate = Convert.ToDouble(payRateStr);
grossPay = CalcGrossPay(hoursWorked, payRate);
CalcStateTax(out stateTax, grossPay);
CalcFedTax(ref federalTax, ref grossPay);
CalcFICATax(ref dblFICA, ref grossPay);
CalcNetPay(ref netPay, ref grossPay, ref stateTax,
ref federalTax, ref dblFICA);
SC.WriteLine("grossPay = hoursWorked * rateOfPay");
public static double CalcGrossPay(double hours, double rate)
double gross;
gross = hours * rate;
return gross;
public static void CalcStateTax(out double stateTax, double grossPay)
stateTax = grossPay * 0.04;
public static void CalcFedTax(ref double federalTax, ref double grossPay)
federalTax = grossPay * 0.23;
public static void CalcFICATax(ref double fica, ref double grossPay)
fica = grossPay * 0.14;
public static void CalcNetPay(ref double netPay, ref double grossPay,
ref double stateTax, ref double federalTax, ref double dblFICA)
netPay = grossPay - (0.04 + 0.23 + 0.14);
grossPay = hoursWorked * rateOfPay;
stateTax = grossPay * 0.04;
federalTax = grossPay * 0.23;
dblFICA = grossPay * 0.14;