I want to display a time 12h foramt like hh:mm:ss in TextBox
I want to display a time foramt like hh:mm:ss in TextBox like [12:30:59] but i was used in masked edit extender control for 24 hour format like mask:99:99:99
but i want to display a time for 12hours format how to do any examples if you know please help me to solve ................................
<cc1:MaskedEditExtender ID="meetime" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtTime" MessageValidatorTip="false"
MaskType="Time" Mask="99:99:99" UserTimeFormat="TwentyFourHour" CultureName="en-US">
<asp:CustomValidator ID="cvtime" runat="server" ForeColor="Red" ClientValidationFunction="Time1"
ControlToValidate="txtTime" ErrorMessage="Plese Select 24Hours Time Format" ValidationGroup="add"
ToolTip="Please Select 24Hours Time Format" Display="Dynamic">
function Time1(source, args) {
var Timedata = $("#<%=txtTime.ClientID %>").val();
if (Timedata != "") {
var timeArray = Timedata.split(':');
if (timeArray[0] > 0 && timeArray[0] <= 23) {
if (timeArray[1] <= 59 && timeArray[2] <= 59) {
args.IsValid = true;
else {
args.IsValid = false;
else {
args.IsValid = false;
else {
args.IsValid = false;
} </script>