I want to generate random numbers but my code does not work properly.
using System;
class testrandom
public static void Main(string[] args)
int intno;
if (args.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a parameter eg. unique 5");
intno = Int32.Parse(args[0]);
if (intno < 1)
// Check to see if user has entered value >= 1
// because my LowerBound is hardcoded to 1
Console.WriteLine("Enter value greater than or equal to 1");
unique_random generateit = new unique_random();
class unique_random
public void create_random(int passed_intno)
int LowerBound = 1;
int UpperBound = passed_intno;
bool firsttime = true;
int starti = 0;
int[] vararray;
vararray = new int[UpperBound];
// Random Class used here
Random randomGenerator = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
int nogenerated = randomGenerator.Next(LowerBound, UpperBound + 1);
// Note: randomGenerator.Next generates no. to UpperBound - 1 hence +1
// i got stuck at this pt & had to use the debugger.
if (firsttime) // if (firsttime == true)
vararray[starti] = nogenerated;
// we simply store the nogenerated in vararray
firsttime = false;
else // if (firsttime == false)
bool duplicate_flag = CheckDuplicate(nogenerated, starti, vararray);
// call to check in array
if (!duplicate_flag) // duplicate_flag == false
vararray[starti] = nogenerated;
} while (starti < UpperBound);
PrintArray(vararray); // Print the array
public bool CheckDuplicate(int newrandomNum, int loopcount, int[] function_array)
bool temp_duplicate = false;
for (int j = 0; j < loopcount; j++)
if (function_array[j] == newrandomNum)
temp_duplicate = true;
return temp_duplicate;
// Print Array
public static void PrintArray(Array arr)
int count = 0;
int li = arr.Length;
foreach (object o in arr)
Console.Write("{0}", o);
//Condition to check whether ',' should be added in printing arrray
if (count < li)
Console.Write(", ");