
Implement SSL Handshake manually in C#

Ahmad Haghighi

Ahmad Haghighi

I need to implement SSL Handshake in C#
I don't like to use sslStream class(because it is so general), i need to split it and do every step of SSL Handshake manually
e.g send Hello Message to server and receive Server Certificate and extract public key from it and calculate NotAfter and NortBefore times ...
send client random number to server and after that pre-master number and build Master Secret manually
sign data manually with Hash function and so on
I don't need source code, i need to understand Protocol better.
Unfortunately sslStream is very general an do every thing in background and gave me a secure channel, i dont like that, i need to undrestand what happend exactly in SSL Handshake
I goggled it for about more than a week and find nothing :(
please help me
Thanks guys ;)