
In report,want all pages to be printed seperately in 6 page

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there are 6 pages in my report and when i view report,report is viewed seperately in 6 pages(no problem here) but when i print that report only that last page i.e. only that 6th page is printed..i want all pages to be printed seperately in 6 pages...how to code?please help me

the following is the code i used in javascript:

<input style="Z-INDEX: 111; LEFT: 737px; WIDTH: 53px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 18px; HEIGHT: 19px; "
onclick="javascript:window.print();" type="button" value="Print" id="Button9"/>

<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer1" runat="server"
AutoDataBind="true" DisplayGroupTree="False" DisplayToolbar="False"
HasCrystalLogo="False" HasDrillUpButton="False" HasExportButton="False"
HasGotoPageButton="False" HasSearchButton="False"
HasToggleGroupTreeButton="False" HasViewList="False"

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