
Inefficiencies of iterating over a custom list to obtain reference.

Steffon Scott

Steffon Scott

Hello again. Correct me if I am wrong for posting code here, I was looking for posting guidelines but couldn't see any on the main page or the posting page, perhaps I am overlooking it. I am requesting a possibly different algorithm for a function I am performing in my code:

public void showStats(string player)
            foreach (playerData playerstats in Program.playerList)
                if (playerstats._playerName == player)
                    Console.WriteLine("Player Name: {0}", playerstats._playerName);
                    Console.WriteLine("Player ID: {0}", playerstats._playerID);
                    Console.WriteLine("Player Level: {0}", playerstats._playerLevel);
                    Console.WriteLine("Player Land: {0}", playerstats._playerLand);
                    Console.WriteLine("Player Peasants: {0}", playerstats._playerPeasants);
                    Console.WriteLine("Player Moves: {0}", playerstats._playerMoves);
                    Console.WriteLine("Player Copper: {0}", playerstats._playerCopper);
                    Console.WriteLine("Player Castles: {0}", playerstats._playerCastles);

Now, just one look at this code makes me cringe because it doesn't seem at all efficient in any sense of the word, to iterate over a list to obtain the correct reference to the object I wish to display but this is how I got it to work. Is there a better way of doing this?