in my from i text box and on button . i want to send textbox value to gtalk through any one user who are in my gtalk contact.
this process on button click how is it possible.
private void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
XmppClientConnection xmpp = new XmppClientConnection();
xmpp.Server = "";
xmpp.ConnectServer = "";
xmpp.Port = 5222;
xmpp.Password = "******";
xmpp.MesagageGrabber.Add(JID, new agsXMPP.Collections.BareJidComparer(), new MessageCB(MessageCallBack), null);
agsXMPP.protocol.client.Message msg = new agsXMPP.protocol.client.Message();
msg.Type =;
msg.To = JID;
msg.Body = "vd998988998a50 " // this is text box value
xmpp.OnLogin += delegate(object o) { xmpp.Send(msg); };
static void MessageCallBack(object sender,agsXMPP.protocol.client.Message msg,object data)
if (msg.Body != null)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("{0}>> {1}", msg.From.User, msg.Body);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;