
Interacting with a form on an external website

Mannan Mull

Mannan Mull

I am developing a program to automate some of the more repetitive tasks of my job. One of these tasks is to add some simple information to a form on a website that is run internally by the company for which I work, and then to submit that form. Unfortunately, this website does not have an API I can access, so I will need to use screen scraping techniques to achieve my goals. I originally used the COM object SHDocVw to create a hidden browser object through which I could interact with the website. dim ieBrowser as new SHDocVw.InternetExplorer ieBrowser.navigate("www.website.com") Do until ieBrowser.ReadyState = SHDocVw.tagREADYSTATE.READYSTATE_COMPLETE Loop . . . This works fine in my test environment, but when the site is published to the new server, the Do loop never completes. ReadyState remains READYSTATE_LOADING, and the page never resolves. I have opened the security on the server as well as I know how, and if I type the web address in IE on the server, I can navigate without issue. I am looking for insight into what I may be missing, as well as other possible approaches (hopefully another object that is intrinsic to .net). I realize that I can retrieve data from the website using System.Net.HTTPWebRequest, but I don't think I can fill in controls on the remote site, or submit the post with this object. Any assistance is appreciated. Thank you for your time.