
Intrinio real time quotehandler question

I am trying to mine some stock prices at a set time, and I need it to be real time. I found the intrinio API, but I am having some trouble implementing it. 
I have limited experience with APIs, so this might be very basic:
I'm trying to use this: 
Essentially, I'm trying to pick up the stock price, and rather than just writing it to the console, I want to pick up the price and write it to a variable and return a list of stock prices. 
I am confused by this code: 
handler.OnQuote += (IQuote quote) =>                 
1. Does this trigger every time the stock price is updated? 
2. What controls how long it runs? I essentially need it to run until it picks up a fresh trade. 
3. How do I turn the quote details into variables, or at least a string that I can manipulate to pull out what variables I need? 
Any help is appreciated.