
Load report failed - crystal reports



Sep 20 2004 10:45 PM
I am trying to deploy reports to a windows 2003 server and i get this 'Load Report Failed' error. Everything works well in my development box, though. I have Crystal reports developer full version installed in both machines. I even tried running the setup with crystal merge modules (crnetruntime.msm, license.msm,mapping.msm,reportengine.msm,VC_User_CRT71_RTL_X86_---.msm,VC_User_STL71_RTL_X86_---.msm). ASPNET user has all permissions to the application folder and also to C:\winnt\temp. The reports are embeded resources. The reports use XSD files(ADO.NET). I have been trying for weeks to fix this. But no use. RptQuestions oRpt = new RptQuestions(); // ------------- IT FAILS IN NEXT LINE trying to access report object ---- oRpt.SetDatabaseLogon(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["UserID"], ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Password"], ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Server"], ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DataBase"]); Thanks, Ganesh