Hi All,
I have a loop problem to insert data into my databank.
I have three columns called:
Customer Order Canceled?
DarmaCPU false
Mouse false
Phone true
Keyboard false
Teja Mobile false
Ipad false
MP3 false
CPU true
I actually got this list from excel file and stored it into aspxgrid.
If canceled == true; than I should not insert into my databank.
I stored this values into List.
List<object> Customer = ASPxGridView1.GetSelectedFieldValues("Customer");
List<object> Order = ASPxGridView1.GetSelectedFieldValues("Order");
List<object> Canceled = ASPxGridView1.GetSelectedFieldValues("Canceled");
// Get index value of canceled == false and stored it into "insertdata";
var insertdata = Enumerable.Range(0, Canceled.Count)
.Where(i => Canceled[i].ToString() == "false")
for (int i = 0; i < insertdata.Count; i++)
if (Customer[insertdata[i]].ToString() != "")
//My logic to insert the data into database
//But with the above logic I can insert two rows of data into database.
Darma CPU
Teja Mobile
*****I wanted to insert the following data in database*********
Darma CPU false
Mouse false
Keyboard false
Teja Mobile false
Ipad false
MP3 false
Thanks in advance