I disassembled the .NET 'System' DLL and looked at the source code for the variable classes (string, int, byte, etc.) to see if I could figure out how to make a class that could take on a value. I noticed that the "Int32" class inherits the following: IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable<int>, IEquatable<int>.
The String and Int32 classes are not inheritable, and I can't figure out what in these inherited interfaces allows the classes to hold a value. What I would want is something like this:
public class MyVariable : //inherits here { //Code in here that allows it to get/set the value }
public static class Main(string[] args) { MyVariable a = "This is my own custom variable!"; MyVariable b = 2976;
if(a == "Hello") { } if(b = 10) { } Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); }