I have one Jquery Grid ,
binded data from DB,
the issue is i need to merge cells in column one that has the same values toegter.
Below is my code
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<!-- The localization file we need, English in this case -->
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<!-- The jqGrid client-side javascript -->
<script src="js/trirand/jquery.jqGrid.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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body { font-size: 75px; }
<body >
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ connection string value %>"
SelectCommand="select distinct M.MINOR_NM [SVC Type],'In Warranty' WTY,
(select count(*) Total from w_job_header_usg105 a where a.job_status<'60' and a.Cost_type='W1' and Service_type in ('T1')) Total,
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 A where a.job_status<'60' and a.Service_type in ('T1') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),a.RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())<=3 and Cost_type='W1' ) '0~3 Days',
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 where job_status<'60' and Service_type in ('T1') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())>3 and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())<=7 and Cost_type='W1' ) '4~7 Days',
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 where job_status<'60' and Service_type in ('T1') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())>7 and Cost_type='W1' ) 'Over 7 Days'
from mytabe1 J join mytabe2 M on J.Service_type=M.Minor_cd and M.Major_cd='WA003'and J.Service_type in ('T1')
select distinct M.MINOR_NM [SVC Type],'Out Of Warranty' WTY,
(select count(*) Total from w_job_header_usg105 a where a.job_status<'60' and a.Cost_type in('W6','') and Service_type in ('T1')) Total,
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 A where a.job_status<'60' and a.Service_type in ('T1') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),a.RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())<=3 and Cost_type in ('W6','')) '0~3 Days',
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 where job_status<'60' and Service_type in ('T1') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())>3 and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())<=7 and Cost_type in ('W6','')) '4~7 Days',
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 where job_status<'60' and Service_type in ('T1') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())>7 and Cost_type in ('W6','') ) 'Over 7 Days'
from W_JOB_HEADER_USG105 J join B_MINOR M on J.Service_type=M.Minor_cd and M.Major_cd='WA003'and J.Service_type in ('T1')
select distinct M.MINOR_NM [SVC Type],'In Warranty' WTY,
(select count(*) Total from w_job_header_usg105 a where a.job_status<'60' and a.Cost_type='W1' and Service_type in ('T4')) Total,
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 A where a.job_status<'60' and a.Service_type in ('T4') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),a.RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())<=3 and Cost_type='W1' ) '0~3 Days',
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 where job_status<'60' and Service_type in ('T4') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())>3 and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())<=7 and Cost_type='W1' ) '4~7 Days',
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 where job_status<'60' and Service_type in ('T4') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())>7 and Cost_type='W1' ) 'Over 7 Days'
from W_JOB_HEADER_USG105 J join B_MINOR M on J.Service_type=M.Minor_cd and M.Major_cd='WA003'and J.Service_type in ('T4')
select distinct M.MINOR_NM [SVC Type],'Out Of Warranty' WTY,
(select count(*) Total from w_job_header_usg105 a where a.job_status<'60' and a.Cost_type in('W6','') and Service_type in ('T4')) Total,
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 A where a.job_status<'60' and a.Service_type in ('T4') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),a.RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())<=3 and Cost_type in ('W6','')) '0~3 Days',
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 where job_status<'60' and Service_type in ('T4') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())>3 and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())<=7 and Cost_type in ('W6','')) '4~7 Days',
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 where job_status<'60' and Service_type in ('T4') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())>7 and Cost_type in ('W6','') ) 'Over 7 Days'
from W_JOB_HEADER_USG105 J join B_MINOR M on J.Service_type=M.Minor_cd and M.Major_cd='WA003'and J.Service_type in ('T4')
select distinct M.MINOR_NM [SVC Type],'In Warranty' WTY,
(select count(*) Total from w_job_header_usg105 a where a.job_status<'60' and a.Cost_type='W1' and Service_type in ('T2')) Total,
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 A where a.job_status<'60' and a.Service_type in ('T2') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),a.RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())<=3 and Cost_type='W1' ) '0~3 Days',
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 where job_status<'60' and Service_type in ('T2') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())>3 and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())<=7 and Cost_type='W1' ) '4~7 Days',
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 where job_status<'60' and Service_type in ('T2') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())>7 and Cost_type='W1' ) 'Over 7 Days'
from W_JOB_HEADER_USG105 J join B_MINOR M on J.Service_type=M.Minor_cd and M.Major_cd='WA003'and J.Service_type in ('T2')
select distinct M.MINOR_NM [SVC Type],'Out Of Warranty' WTY,
(select count(*) Total from w_job_header_usg105 a where a.job_status<'60' and a.Cost_type in('W6','') and Service_type in ('T2')) Total,
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 A where a.job_status<'60' and a.Service_type in ('T2') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),a.RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())<=3 and Cost_type in ('W6','')) '0~3 Days',
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 where job_status<'60' and Service_type in ('T2') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())>3 and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())<=7 and Cost_type in ('W6','')) '4~7 Days',
(select count(*) from w_job_header_usg105 where job_status<'60' and Service_type in ('T2') and DateDiff(dd ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RECEIPT_DT,120),getdate())>7 and Cost_type in ('W6','') ) 'Over 7 Days'
from W_JOB_HEADER_USG105 J join B_MINOR M on J.Service_type=M.Minor_cd and M.Major_cd='WA003'and J.Service_type in ('T2')">
<trirand:JQGrid runat="server" ID="JQGrid1" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"
Height="100%" KeyboardNavigation="False" Width="1310px" AutoWidth="True" onprerender="JQGrid1_PreRender"
<TreeGridSettings Enabled="True" />
<ViewRowDetailsDialogSettings Caption="Pending Jobs Report" />
<AppearanceSettings Caption="Pending Jobs" />
<trirand:JQGridColumn DataField="SVC Type" Searchable="False" Sortable="False"
TextAlign="Center" CssClass= "ui-jqgrid" />
<trirand:JQGridColumn DataField="WTY" TextAlign="Center" />
<trirand:JQGridColumn DataField="Total" TextAlign="Center" />
<trirand:JQGridColumn DataField="0~3 Days" TextAlign="Center" />
<trirand:JQGridColumn DataField="4~7 Days" TextAlign="Center">
<trirand:JQGridColumn DataField="Over 7 Days" TextAlign="Center" >
<SearchDialogSettings Draggable="False" />
The resut comes as below