Message - Request\Response code analysis
Im working from an existing code base in order to replicate and implement the Message based Request\Response architecture and wondered if I could be corrected (if needed) on the below code snippet next to my comments please.
// Method declaration which Returns the CustomerResponse type and accepts an input arguement of type CustomerRequest.
public CustomerResponse GetCustomers(CustomerRequest request)
// Local variable declaration which creates an instance of the CustomerReponse and stores the object in the local variable named response.
var response = new CustomerResponse(request.RequestId);
// Sets or Sets the Criteria and which stores it in the local variable criteria?
var criteria = request.Criteria as CustomerCriteria;
// Gets the SortExpression property and stores it in the sort local variable
string sort = criteria.SortExpression;
// Checks if the LoadOptions property contains a string name Customers.
if (request.LoadOptions.Contains("Customers"))
// Creates an enumerable of type Customer called customers.
IEnumerable<Customer> customers;
// If the Criteria does not use the IncludeOrderStatistics property
if (!criteria.IncludeOrderStatistics)
// Invoke the GetCustomers and store the return value in the local variable named customers
customers = _customerDao.GetCustomers(sort);
// Otherise store the GetCustomersWithOrderStatistics in the customers local variable instead
customers = _customerDao.GetCustomersWithOrderStatistics(sort);
/ Set the response Customer property to the customers local variable and run a lambda which will translate to the correct DTO object.
response.Customers = customers.Select(c => Mapper.ToDataTransferObject(c)).ToList();
// Get and store the return value of the Getcustomer method into the local variable named customer.
var customer = _customerDao.GetCustomer(criteria.CustomerId);
// Check if the request LoadOptions property holds the string Orders
if (request.LoadOptions.Contains("Orders"))
// Set the customer Orders property to the GetOrdersByCustomer method.
customer.Orders = _orderDao.GetOrdersByCustomer(customer.CustomerId);
// Set the ToDTO method to the response Customer property.
response.Customer = Mapper.ToDataTransferObject(customer);
// Return the value of the response object.
return response;