
Missing the point re: Arrays

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John Rogers

John Rogers


I am trying to write some code that maintains a running sum in an array...

I think I am missing the scope rules or do not understand the way that arrays are used ...

I am an experienced C (and many other language) programmer, but am new to C#, I did a few C++ programs 10 years ago.

In short, I think the OOP aspects have me hosed up.

I am trying to maintain a buffer in PlotDataSum, which gets PlotData1 added to it on every execution of a function called from a "read" button click.

This runs fine and I see the new data plotted from an array, but when I "turn-on" summation in that array, it appears (from debugging) that the PlotDataSum array arrives empty at each execution of the buffer read function, which means I am summing with nothing...I am trying to maintain this summation buffer until I decide to clear it...

What is the procedure to declare an array that has the required scope to not dissapear after every use...

I tried adding this array to an object of a class that pulls the same data from an external I/F...and referenced it using the obj.array[i] typical notation, whcih also worked the same...seemed to accept the last addition, but did not "remember" its sum until teh next time I tried to add something again.

So far I am finding C# is so "safe", it is VERY hard to get very simple things done...

A code sample is included below:


namespace critter


/// <summary>

/// Summary description for MainForm.

/// </summary>

public class MainForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form


public System.Windows.Forms.Button HelpBtn;

public System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox CBReadCont;

public System.Windows.Forms.Button SendRptsBtn;


//delacered as a local variable within the MainForm

double[] PlotDataSum = new double[275];

used later  in a  function associated with reading data...

// Plot the data...

for (i = 0; i < 275; i++)


PlotDataSum[i] += PlotData1[i];


if (CBEnableSum.Checked)


Plot1.PlotY( PlotDataSum );






Any help would be appreciated.  I am clearly missing soemthing VERY basic about scope rules...




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