I am trying to put several images dynamically onto a canvas. The images
are of bigger size (e.g. 9 MB on disc, 200 MB of physical memory when
decoded, resolution of 10200 x 7019).
If I add 2 images, everything is working fine. If I try to add another
image, the Image is there on the canvas (meaning it reacts on mouse
events) but it is not rendered - meaning it is invisible. I have about
1 GB of free physical memory available. When 2 images are loaded I
still have 600 MB of free physical memory - but I cant load any more
images. I tried to set the images' DecodeBitmapWith/Height attributes
to have a smaller rendersize, but images are rendered black or look
weird. Image.Rendersize attribute doesnt work in this context.
I assume it has something to do with memory management. For better understanding here is my code:
ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); if ((bool)ofd.ShowDialog(this)) { string[] images = ofd.FileNames; foreach (string image in images) { Uri imgsource = new Uri(image); BitmapImage bim = new BitmapImage(); bim.BeginInit(); //bim.DecodePixelWidth = 3509; bim.DecodePixelHeight = 10200; bim.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; bim.UriSource = imgsource; bim.EndInit(); Image img = new Image(); img.Source = bim canvas1.Children.Add(img); img.AllowDrop = true; Canvas.SetLeft(img, (canvas1.Children.Count)* 20); Canvas.SetTop(img, (canvas1.Children.Count) * 20); }
I hope anyone can help me with this.
Thanks in advance and best regards