Multiple file upload problem
I am using 5 fileupload control in my page.
now on button click I want to upload images with its thumbnails.
but when i resize the image then it gives error.
because its
protected void uploadimageButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string selectedcategory = categorynameDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text;
// string imagename = ablumcoverFileUpload.PostedFile.FileName;
// string path = Server.MapPath("Albums/" + selectedcategory + "/");
// string imagepath = path + filename;
//To Upload Multiple Files on Single Click
HttpFileCollection albumimages = Request.Files;
int count= albumimages.Count; //everytime it give 5
string[] imagename = new string[count];
string[] thumnailimagename=new string[count];
for (int i = 0; i <count-1 ; i++)
HttpPostedFile albumimagefile = albumimages[i];
ThumnailImages(selectedcategory, albumimages[i]); //convert image to thumnail
catch (Exception ex)
msg.Text = ex.Message;
public void ThumnailImages(string categoryname, HttpPostedFile myimage)
Graphics oGraphics = null;
Bitmap originalBMP = new Bitmap(myimage.InputStream); // Error occur here because when i select only two images for uploading , but the loop run 5 times then , on the third calling there is null parameter
So the main problem is that how to know that how many fileupload control have files