
Narrowed Down Problem - Need help with Interface Constructor

james niesen

james niesen

I'm storing the following information about a small car:
max speed = 100
fuel efficiency = 50
mpg = 30
reliability factor = 7

I have a class SmallCar that inherits a IVehicle interface.  I'm stuck on how to add the constructors.  Can someone please help:
namespace Assets.Classes
 public interface IVehicle
 int MaxSpeed { get; set;}
 int FuelEfficiency {get; set;}
 double ReliabilityFactor { get; set; }
double LifeSpan { get; set; }

 public class SmallCar : IVehicle

 protected int maxSpeed { get; set; }
protected int fuelEfficiency { get; set; }
protected double reliabilityFactor { get; set; }
protected double lifeSpan { get; set; }

class SmallCar : IVehicle
        Here's where I'm stuck trying to add constructor logic



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