Navigation stack like windows explorer
I want to maintain a stack navigation in which we store path of directories.but in my code im able to store only current path and if i change my directories i lost my old stack.
for ex if i chande my directory from "My computer to Dowloads " then i am not able to keep path for my computer
here is my sample code
private void btnBack_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//string Tree1;
IList<DirInfo> childFileList = new List<DirInfo>();
// string Path = (sender as Button).ToString();
IList<DirInfo> childDirList = new List<DirInfo>();
if (stack.Count > 1)
string Path = stack.Peek().ToString();
isback = true;
//code for create button by sending drive info
//DirInfo dnr = new DirInfo();
//dnr.Path = Path;
if (Path == "My Computer")
childDirList = (from rd in FileSystemExplorerService.GetRootDirectories1(vm.CurrentDirectory.Path)
select new DirInfo(rd)).ToList();
else if (Path == "My Favourite" || Path == "My Library")
childDirList = FileSystemExplorerService.GetRootDirectory1(Path);
childDirList = (from dir in FileSystemExplorerService.GetChildDirectories(Path)
select new DirInfo(dir)).ToList();
childFileList = (from fobj in FileSystemExplorerService.GetChildFiles(Path)
select new DirInfo(fobj)).ToList();
childDirList = childDirList.Concat(childFileList).ToList();
vm.CurrentItems = childDirList;
if (stack.Count > 1)
btnNext.IsEnabled = true;
btnBack.IsEnabled = false;
//private void RemoveRightSideButtonsFromNavigationBar(string Content)
// bool flagRemove = false;
// List<Button> lstbuttonToBeRemoved = new List<Button>();
// foreach (Button btn in vm.NavigationStack)
// {
// if (btn.Content.ToString() == Content && !flagRemove)
// {
// flagRemove = true;
// }
// if (flagRemove && btn.Content.ToString() != Content)
// lstbuttonToBeRemoved.Add(btn);
// }
// foreach (Button btn in lstbuttonToBeRemoved)
// {
// vm.NavigationStack.Remove(btn);
// }
private void btnNext_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
IList<DirInfo> childFileList = new List<DirInfo>();
IList<DirInfo> childDirList = new List<DirInfo>();
if (stackNext.Count >= 1)
string Path = stackNext.Pop().ToString();
isback = true;
if (Path == "My Computer")
childDirList = (from rd in FileSystemExplorerService.GetRootDirectories1(Path)
select new DirInfo(rd)).ToList();
else if (Path == "My Favourite" || Path == "My Library")
childDirList = FileSystemExplorerService.GetRootDirectory1(Path);
childDirList = (from dir in FileSystemExplorerService.GetChildDirectories(Path)
select new DirInfo(dir)).ToList();
childFileList = (from fobj in FileSystemExplorerService.GetChildFiles(Path)
select new DirInfo(fobj)).ToList();
childDirList = childDirList.Concat(childFileList).ToList();
vm.CurrentItems = childDirList;
if (stackNext.Count >= 1)
btnBack.IsEnabled = true;
btnNext.IsEnabled = false;