
.NET|Issue with .aspx pages caching at Server side

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Hi All,

In our Web hosting environment we are using Virtual hosting i.e. multiple websites are on one server and multiple domains are pointing to a single website.

Issue: We have two domains say “www.Test1.com” and “www.Test2.com” pointing to a single website. Website content is located onto UNCPath i.e. remote location.
Domain 1: www.Test1.com    points to \\servername\websitefolder\homedirectory
Domain 2: www.Test2.com    points to  \\servername\websitefolder\homepage
Both the domains are having separate “default.aspx” page at their UNCPath which is referring to the separate XML file with the same name i.e. “count.xml”.Our “Default.aspx” page is reading value from xml file and displaying.The common code behind class is stored in the GAC. 

When we are browsing both the page simultaneously from different servers and refresh these pages in a short duration i.e. less than 15 seconds. Both the pages start reading from the same XML file and display same data.

1.) We would like to know if this is server side caching ,can we reduce/change the phenomenon of the refreshing of the .aspx pages.
2.) If the Namespace of both the .aspx page is the same then their will be common compiled file of both the pages in the website cache location i.e. Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\Version\TemporaryASP.NETFiles\<Website> folder.

Please give us some inputs/suggestions to resolve the problem at the earliest.


Purti Malhotra