Dear Friends,
I need to know that how do you nevigate data in a table. I'm going to use four buttons for MoveFirst, MoveLast, Previous and Next. But I don't know, please anybody can help me.......
I developed the given below coding to read the first record in the table in the DB.(anybody can comment on this also) But I want a solution for nevigation on the recordset.
public void DisplayScheculeType()
SqlConnection s = new SqlConnection(con1.SetConnection());
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("select * from CM_SCHEDTYPE", s);
SqlDataReader r;
r = com.ExecuteReader();
string ScheType1 = "";
string Scheduledesp1 = "";
if (r.Read())
ScheType1 =(string)r.GetValue(0);
Scheduledesp1 = (string)r.GetValue(1);
SchedCode.Text = ScheType1;
ScheDesp.Text = Scheduledesp1;