Hi Friends.......
I beleive I have almost got it... but not quite. I find the last part
(the void (OSFNPTR post)(struct x25doneinfo *) ) confusing...
plz tell me how to convert the last parameter which is null function pointer which takes struct object as a parameter.
I write The Delegate for the same
The delehgate is
public struct x25doneinfo
public int xi_len;
public string xi_buf;
public int xi_cid;
public int xi_cmd;
public int xi_info;
public int xi_retcode;
public PostDelgate post;
//[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AsAny)] object xi_ref;
x25doneinfo doneinfo = new x25doneinfo() ;
public delegate void PostDelgate(ref x25doneinfo doneInfo );
But when i Call The function x25xcall it gives Error
Object Reference Not Set.....
intCall =x25xcall( 0, 0, 1 , 0,
ref sFacil ,ref sUdata , null, null, post) ;
Plz Help