I need to print my form on a printer, that is all values from the textboxes, comboboxes etc. preferrably in a graphical manner. I found an example on the internet to print out textboxes which has the following code:
for (int i = 0; i < this.Controls.Count; i++){
if (this.Controls[i] is TextBox)
g.DrawString(this.Controls[i].Text, this.Controls[i].Font, Brushes.Black,
this.Controls[i].Bounds.Top * scaley,
new StringFormat());
But no matter what I tried it always throws a NullReferenceException. Could anyone please tell me what's the matter with it, I'm just clueless.
Or could anyone please give me another example or point me to a tutorial or anything. I've been struggling with the printing for a few days now and nothing seems to work.
Thanks a lot.