
OpenFile Dialog on Windows Mobile iPAQ

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Hi All,
I'm new to C# and I can't seem to get the open file dialog to point at the folder I want opened.
I'm writing an app for an iPAQ 1950 (Win Mobile 5.0) and despite following the correct syntax the dialog opens but not in the correct folder.
Below is an example of the code I'm using , is there something specific to the Mobile environment that I am nott doing?

All help and advise would be gratefully recieved


Peter J Francis

 StreamReader readFile;
                DialogResult Result;

                //Configure dialog options 
                dlgOpen.InitialDirectory = "\\Program Files\\string3\\Resources";
                dlgOpen.Filter = "Config files (*.dat)|*.dat|All files (*.*)|*.*";
                dlgOpen.FilterIndex = 1;
                 Result = dlgOpen.ShowDialog();